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How To Last Longer During Sex Home Remedies | 11 Strategies

How To Last Longer During Sex Home Remedies

How To Last Longer During Sex Home Remedies

How To Last Longer During Sex Home Remedies

How To Last Longer During Sex Home Remedies: The question of how to extend one’s performance in bed is frequently asked on our platform. It remains unclear whether those inquiring about this have a misconception regarding the ideal duration they should last or if they are genuinely facing issues like premature ejaculation.

Contrary to what is often depicted in adult films, the average duration of sexual intercourse for men is between 5 to 10 minutes, with the entire sexual encounter – from foreplay to the completion of intercourse – typically lasting around 30 minutes. Here are the factors to be cautious of as they can negatively impact your sexual desire. If your performance falls below the 3-minute mark, seeking assistance may be necessary. Below are some recommended techniques you can explore to enhance your endurance in bed.

Strategies for Managing ‘How To Last Longer During Sex Home Remedies’

Premature Ejaculation means ‘How to last longer during sex home remedies’

Approaches Based on Behavior



Applications and Methods for Prolonged Performance

External remedies refer to substances used outside the body to extend sexual stamina. These include:

Effective Strategies for Prolonging Sexual Stamina Naturally

1. Incorporate More Vegetables and Fruits: Studies suggest that individuals following a primarily vegetarian diet exhibit enhanced endurance in bed compared to non-vegetarians. This is attributed to the rich nutrient content, particularly potassium, in fruits and veggies.

2. Limit Processed Sugar Intake: The energy crash following a sugar rush may diminish stamina, hence reducing processed sugar consumption is advisable.

3. Minimize Smoking: Smoking can lead to arterial hardening and decreased blood flow to the penis, increasing the risk of erectile dysfunction. Dr. Vijayasarathi Ramanathan, a specialist in men’s health and medical sex therapy, emphasizes the adverse impact of smoking on sexual function.

4. Moderate Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption impairs sensory perception, hindering full engagement during intimacy.

5. Strengthen Arm and Abdominal Muscles: Strong core muscles are essential for maintaining endurance during various sexual positions. Incorporating exercises targeting the biceps, triceps, and abs can contribute to longevity in bed.

How To Last Longer During Sex Home Remedies

6. Practice Kegel Exercises: Besides promoting better bladder control, Kegels can also aid in sustaining erections for longer durations.

7. Experiment with Biofeedback or ‘Edging’: Interrupting sexual activity when nearing climax allows for better control, potentially extending intercourse duration.

8. Employ the Squeeze Technique: Applying pressure just below the penile head before orgasm redirects blood flow, delaying climax.

9. Prioritize Foreplay and Partner Satisfaction: Focusing on your partner’s pleasure first can alleviate performance pressure and assist in maintaining erection longevity.

10. Ensure Adequate Sleep: Research indicates that insufficient sleep correlates with decreased testosterone levels, emphasizing the importance of 7-8 hours of sleep for optimal sexual performance.

11. Explore Yoga: Certain yoga poses, such as the cobra pose (Bhujangasana) and Paschimotasana, promote increased blood flow to the genital area, potentially prolonging sexual activity.

By incorporating these natural approaches, individuals can enhance sexual stamina and prolong enjoyment in bed without relying on artificial means.

Natural Ingredients and Plants for Improved Endurance

Natural supplements and plants enhance stamina and are attractive to those seeking better physical performance and vitality through natural means.

Pause-Pressure and Stop-Start Techniques for Delayed Elevation

Pause-Pressure Technique

Stop-Start Technique

Both techniques require perseverance and practice, ideally involving both partners. Pain or significant discomfort is not the goal, requiring adaptation based on individual responses.

Exercises for Pelvic Muscles and Masturbation Sequence for Improved Control
Exploring Non-Penetrative Satisfaction

Non-penetrative activities involve intimacy without penetration yet provide physical closeness and satisfaction. This form of sexual engagement is favored for various reasons, including personal preferences, health considerations, or as a method of avoiding pregnancy and STIs. A variety of sexual activities can bring satisfaction.

Embracing non-penetrative sexual practices highlights creativity and emotional bonding, providing a diverse path to fulfillment within personal comfort zones.

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