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Benefits of Sun Salutation Yoga (Surya Namaskar) for Physical and Mental Health | What are the 12 sun salutations?

Benefits of Sun Salutation Yoga (Surya Namaskar) for Physical and Mental Health

Benefits of Sun Salutation Yoga (Surya Namaskar) for Physical and Mental Health

Benefits of Sun Salutation Yoga (Surya Namaskar) for Physical and Mental Health!

Do the pranam asana to calm and focus the mind, which can help alleviate many illnesses.

The Sun is the biggest source of energy. This is why ancient sages used to worship the sun. ‘Surya Namaskar’ means to salute the sun, i.e., Sun Salutation. If you start with yoga, practicing ‘Surya Namaskar’ is the best. It gives you the benefit of 12 yoga postures at once and that’s why it is also called the best yoga posture.

Yoga exercise and physical movement are not only necessary to keep the body healthy but also important to keep the mind fit. Daily practice of the 12 steps of Surya Namaskar makes the mind active and focused. Generally, it is practiced on an empty stomach in the morning. Do it in an open space where you can get fresh air.

Benefits of Sun Salutation Yoga (Surya Namaskar) for Physical and Mental Health

The Surya Namaskar yoga posture is considered the best in all yoga exercises, also known as a full-body workout. Regular practice of only this posture can help a person reap the benefits of complete yoga exercise. Through its practice, a person’s body becomes healthy and energetic. Surya Namaskar is known to be beneficial for women, men, children, youths, as well as seniors.

The Health Benefits of Yoga: Alleviating Physical Problems and Promoting Overall Well-being

Yoga is essential for keeping the body healthy in our lives. Regular practice of yoga can alleviate many physical problems. Taking the help of yoga can reduce problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, high sugar, thyroid, and period problems. Yoga postures effectively relieve physical problems. In addition, there are some postures that women should practice regularly. Practicing these postures can help relieve problems such as back pain, stomach pain, lower back pain, periods, and other types of problems. At the same time, the body benefits in many other ways.

To stay physically and mentally healthy and prevent diseases, yoga is the easiest way. Yoga is beneficial for everyone, regardless of gender. Practicing yoga daily is a good habit. It not only keeps us physically healthy but also provides mental benefits.

Benefits of Sun Salutation Yoga (Surya Namaskar) for Physical and Mental Health

Benefits of Surya Namaskar and How to Perform Pranamasana

Pranamasana: Stand on a yoga mat in an open field and stand in the position of saluting the sun. Stand straight and join both hands on the chest and take a deep, long breath in a relaxed position.

Regular practice of Surya Namaskar enhances physical and mental vigor, thinking ability, and memory power. There are many other benefits of Surya Namaskar, some of which are mentioned below-

Benefits of Sun Salutation:

Sun Salutation is made up of 12 yoga asanas. They are the following:

1. Pranamasana – The Prayer Pose

Benefits of Sun Salutation Yoga (Surya Namaskar) for Physical and Mental Health

2. Hasta Uttanasana – Raised Arms Pose
3. Padahastasana – Standing Forward Bend
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Anjaneyasana)- Equestrian Pose
5. Dandasana (Adho Mukha Shwanasna)- Staff Pose
6. Ashtanga Namaskara – Eight Limbed pose or Caterpillar pose
7. Bhujangasana (Urdhwa Mukha Shwanasna) – Cobra Pose

Benefits of Sun Salutation Yoga (Surya Namaskar) for Physical and Mental Health

8. Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward-facing Dog Pose
9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Anjaneyasana; Opposite foot)- Equestrian Pose
10. Padahastasana – Hand Under Foot Pose
11. Hasta Uttanasana – Raised Arms bend Pose
12. Pranamasana – The Prayer Pose Final (First Pose)

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To Know more about it: Click Here!

To see the 12 Pose of Surya Namaskar

Benefits of Sun Salutation Yoga, 12 Pose
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