In many common conversations, people often say that having such a blood pressure at that age is normal, so is high blood pressure allowed? In old age, these questions are very common. Blood pressure should be 120 and 80 at any age.
  First, you should know what high blood pressure means. If the systolic blood pressure is above 130, we call it high blood pressure, and if the diastolic is above 90, the lower one is considered a normal high. But any pressure above that is harmful.
 You should understand why it is harmful. The tube that gives our whole body heart’s tube is made for a pressure of 120, and even if the pressure goes up to 130, it is okay, but where the pressure is more than that, the wall will be damaged, and the damage will cause harm to the entire body. The heart gets blocked, the kidney gets damaged, and even the eyesight gets damaged.
How to reduce high blood pressure at home?
 High blood pressure is not allowed at any age if the fire is damaged. We used to have these issues many years ago, It can be asked people when they start having heart attacks and kidney failure due to age. Remember, your blood pressure should be 120 and 80 at any age.
 Two research studies are also proving that keeping the blood pressure between 110-115 is good for both diabetes and heart health, while for overall health, it should be maintained at 120.
Control blood pressure at home
 Now more people ask, “what can we do while sitting at home to control blood pressure?” It can be suggested that:
To reduce salt intake:
 The first thing to do is to reduce salt intake or replace regular salt with a new type of salt called “hand salt.” This type of salt contains both potassium and sodium chloride, which helps to lower blood pressure. Nowadays, there is another company called “Safola Salt” which is also high in power, so it is recommended to shift to half-power salt or reduce salt intake altogether.
  Keep in mind that no salt is kept on the table, and try to reduce your salt intake.
How to reduce high blood pressure at home?
Lose weight:
  Number two will help you lose weight. If you lose weight, your blood pressure will automatically be under control. Due to heavy weight, blood vessels also become thick, therefore blood can’t normally surpass through the blood vessels.
How to reduce high blood pressure at home?
Eat a lot of salads:
 Number three, you will have to eat a lot of salads, vegetables, and fruits. If you can eat these, your blood pressure will start to control itself. But notice that the most important thing is to reduce your stress. When our stress increases, a chemical called adrenaline is released from our brains. It constricts all the tubes in our body, and if the blood pressure increases, adrenaline continues to be released. Nowadays, everyone is under stress and excessive tension, so to reduce it, meditate every day.
How to reduce high blood pressure at home?
Do yoga and Jogging:
 Doing yoga and even leisurely walking can help to control blood pressure to a great extent. It helps many of the unnecessary wastes move outside the body in the form of sweat. Due to this body feels relaxed and through this way blood pressure control automatically and normally.
How to reduce high blood pressure at home?
 So you need to remember these four or five things. You need to lose weight, eat very little salt, do daily walking, reduce stress, and finally, note that no matter what, you can take medication if your blood pressure is too high.
The harm caused by taking medication is less than the harm caused by not taking medication. I believe that the side effects of medication are better than not taking it. But if your blood pressure remains high, it will damage your heart and your entire body, including your kidneys.
 This is something to keep in mind. Half of kidney patients have high blood pressure as the reason for their condition, so be aware of this. I do this, but if you have high blood pressure, doing all these things at home can help you control your blood pressure.