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Low fiber diet: Types, substances, benefits, disorders | What are low fiber foods?

Low fiber diet: Types, substances, benefits, disorders! 

Low fiber diet: Types, substances, benefits, disorders! 

Low fiber diet: Types, substances, benefits, disorders

Balanced nutrition enriched with all types of nutrients is necessary for every individual, regardless of age and physical condition. Fiber is an essential component of our daily diet that helps keep our digestive system healthy. Unlike other nutrients, it does not break down and is absorbed by our body’s cells. In this way, it reaches the large intestine and colon, increasing the number of excretory products expelled from our body.

For individuals under 50 years of age, the daily recommended intake of fiber is 38 grams, while for older adults, it is only 30 grams. Daily fiber recommendations for women under the age of 50 are 25 grams, while an older woman needs only 21 grams per day. Therefore, it is essential to consume an adequate amount of whole grains, nuts, fresh vegetables, and fiber-rich fruits.

Different types of fiber in our diet:

Insoluble fiber: Cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose are fibers that do not dissolve in water or other liquids. Therefore, they are called insoluble fibers and are needed to increase the bulk of stool. Commonly, whole grains, nuts, wheat bran, rice bran, beans, potatoes, cauliflower, some vegetables, and fruit peels are the best sources of insoluble fiber. Doctors recommend these foods to patients suffering from constipation and other digestive problems.

Soluble fiber: Some fibers, such as pectin, mucilage, and gum, dissolve in water and form a thick gel-like substance when mixed with water. Doctors recommend consuming these fibers to lower blood sugar and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. Flaxseed, barley, lentils, psyllium husk, dried beans, peas, oat bran, soybeans, and some fruits and vegetables are high in this type of fiber.

Which common food items are rich in fiber?

Low fiber diet: Types, substances, benefits, disorders!

The signs that indicate a low-fiber diet in your food:

If you do not regularly consume enough fiber-rich foods, you may experience some symptoms related to your health. If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms, you should immediately start consuming such foods.


What are the benefits of a high-fiber diet?

Disorders related to low-fiber diet:

Daily consumption of fiber can help in preventing various health problems. You can consult your doctor to determine the amount of fiber-rich foods to include in your regular diet.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. How can I increase fiber in my daily diet?

2. What fiber-rich foods can we eat for breakfast?

3. Do we need to eat dark-colored foods for more fiber?

Read Also: 10 Natural Remedies for Treating Constipation during Pregnancy 

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