The CICO Diet | Is CICO good for weight loss? | Fasting once in 1 week!

The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!

When we talk about diets, our minds immediately think of many popular diets such as the keto diet, intermittent fasting, the Mediterranean diet, and so on. But have you heard of the CICO diet, which is currently trending? Every diet has its own unique features that make it known, and similarly, the CICO diet also has its own benefits which we will be discussing today.

What is the CICO diet?

The CICO diet, also known as ‘CICO’ in English, is a weight loss strategy that means “Calories In, Calories Out”. As the name suggests, this diet focuses on the strategy of maintaining calorie intake. After all, the connection between weight gain and loss is directly related to calorie intake.

The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!
The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!

How to follow the CICO diet?

How many calories should we consume daily to follow the Keto diet and how to control weight accordingly?

All the food we eat every day, whether it’s carbohydrates, fats, or proteins, contributes to our daily calorie intake. To follow the Keto diet, we need to avoid consuming too many calories and focus on exercising regularly. This is because activities like jogging, walking, cycling, exercise, or any kind of physical activity helps to burn calories according to our body’s needs. This helps to reduce excess fat in our body and also maintains energy levels.

The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!
The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!

What to eat and what not to eat?

There are no specific foods to include in the Sikh diet. The key is to eat foods that provide the necessary nutrients. Include chapati and vegetables in your routine. If you enjoy junk food, you probably know that it can lead to weight gain and increase body fat. Therefore, try to consume foods with less sugar and maintain a healthy diet to stay fit.

Calories play a crucial role in proper body function as they provide energy to the body. If we consume foods that are high in fat, the excess fat gets stored in the body, which can lead to weight gain. Hence, it is essential to follow all these rules regularly.

The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!
The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!

How to determine calories based on weight?

Expert means Doctor says that the body requires 4 kilocalories per gram of carbohydrate, 9 kilocalories per gram of fat, and 4 kilocalories per gram of protein. If we look at it in percentage terms, the body needs 50-55% carbohydrates, 25-30% fat, and the rest 15-20% protein. Now, let’s assume that a person weighs 60 kg, so multiply 60 by 30, which means that person needs 1800 calories. This way, you can determine the necessary calories according to your weight.

The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!
The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!

Keep these things in mind while following any diet.

Some people start following a diet just by seeing others do it, without understanding what results can be achieved by it. In such a case, if you are also following a diet, then pay special attention to the following points:

  • Disadvantages of fasting.

Some people rely on fasting to reduce obesity. Doctors believe that fasting is good for our body because it detoxifies our body. Therefore, doctors recommend fasting at least once a week. But if you are not eating anything for 16-18 hours and then eating too much immediately after that, it is not good for us. So, this type of fasting is meaningless.

The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!
The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!
  • Avoid excessive exercise.

If you exercise excessively, it can also harm your body. In such a case, before including any exercise in your routine, consult a doctor to know which exercise will be good for your body and how much time of exercise will be appropriate.

                                          The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!
The CICO diet is quite effective for weight loss!

The CICO diet, or “Calories In, Calories Out,” is an effective weight loss strategy that focuses on maintaining calorie intake. It is important to control the number of calories consumed and burned through physical activity. The diet does not require specific foods but emphasizes the consumption of foods that provide necessary nutrients while avoiding high-sugar junk food. To determine the necessary calories based on weight, it is recommended to consult with an expert or doctor. When following any diet, it is important to avoid excessive fasting and exercise and consult with a doctor to determine which exercises are suitable for one’s body and how much time should be spent exercising.

Read Also: Lose weight… eat slowly!

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