Is Luck real or not?

Is Luck real or not? What is luck scientifically?

A middle-aged man was driving his truck, as he did every day when he got into an unfortunate accident. For 15 days, he was in a coma. But suddenly everything changed. After coming out of the coma, he bought a lottery ticket and won $15,000, the biggest amount of money he had ever amassed in his life.

He was not an ordinary person because he had woken up after a dangerous accident and, coincidently, won the lottery. Naturally, news outlets started to flock in on him from everywhere. They would take it as a documentary and start taking the documentary of the event in which the price fell. Bill went back to the lottery shop and bought a ticket, and he scratched it in front of the camera. Everyone was shocked to find out that he had won a second time, and not just another $17,000, but a whole $250,000.

All of this was caught on camera, and everyone there was shocked by what they saw. But how is that even possible? The fact that he won a huge amount of money twice in a row is quite baffling. And if we look at how likely it is for a man to win a prize in a scratch card lottery, there’s only a one on 2922-0133 chance for it to happen. How did a person who was one of the 290,000,000 people get a second chance?

Is Luck real or not?
Is Luck real or not?

Was he just another extremely lucky guy? Or was there something much bigger behind the sudden coincidence? And if that’s true, how does science explain such an occurrence? Luck is the force that causes things, especially good ones. According to Cambridge University, things happen by chance, not because of what you do or how good you are, but because of chained events resulting in special occurrences.

So only a middle-aged man and some other people on Earth are lucky? Absolutely not. We are all extremely lucky to some degree. But how? And why?

We know that all living things in the world are made up of atoms that formed into molecules and are later shaped into cells. These cells multiplied to form a living organism that turned into an animal and later developed into a human. So if we’re a bunch of atoms, how come we ended up becoming the smallest creature on earth? The answer is that it was all a coincidence and a little bit of luck. Moreover, if lightning has to fall on a person, only one in 1 million people has a chance of it.

But we have heard of lightning falling on the same person two, or three times. If so, are they unlucky? To understand more how luck works, we’ve divided it into three important types.

1. constitutional luck:

which is the type of luck you can’t do anything to change where you were born, your race, your look, etc. Some of these don’t really sound like your typical luck scenarios, but still can be categorized as constitutional.

Is Luck real or not?
Is Luck real or not?

2. circumstantial luck:

In other words, unintended results. For example, when you’re looking for something in a lab, you accidentally find another thing. And finally, ignorance luck. It’s the type of luck that we won’t know was actually luck until something of importance happens.

For example, imagine you were in an elevator wanting to leave the office after finishing your work. Let’s say that on every floor somebody has to stop the elevator to get in. Of course, you would feel annoyed because you think it will cause you to be late. And let’s say, for instance, you finally got out of the elevator and went to drive your car. And just before you head out of the parking spot, a drunk driver collided with the car in front of your car, nearly missing you by some distance.

So your elevator delay saved you from a car crash. So do many successful people in various fields have a lot of talent? Or did they just strike it lucky? If you look at the world’s wealthiest people, who are also good at technology, you’ll notice that the majority of them were born in 1955 or 1956. Of course, they have 100% skill, but the year they were born also has a significant impact.

The reason is that it was during their adult age that computer technology began to evolve. Since it was in the right time and the right place at the right time, when it began to grow, they took advantage of this opportunity to become super rich. This is why, if they were middle-aged at the time or had been born on the African continent beyond Europe and America, they would not have had that opportunity. In the case of a software engineer, there is a huge difference between the annual income of a software engineer in India, and the Us. And Africa.

Though almost all three have the same level of talent their place of birth and their country’s development decides their life growth. They were born displaced and not in their control. It’s completely luck. Well, above all, there is also the scientific reason behind luck. psychologist Richard Wiseman, who has been engaged in years of research on luck, has studied many individuals to see if luck unluck is true or what science lies behind it.

In one study, he selects 400 people, of whom 200 think they are lucky, and the remaining 200 feel unlucky. He gave them a set of papers and asked them to find out how many photographs there wear in them. It took two minutes to find out the total number of photos of the buns of those who felt unlucky. But in just a few seconds, those who felt lucky find that there were 43 photographs in it. How is that possible?

Is Luck real or not?
Is Luck real or not?

That is to say, at the very beginning of the collection he wrote stop counting. There are 43 photographs in this paper. There’s no need to count. He had given the answer lucky people found it simple. But those who thought they were unlucky were busy counting the photos.

He studied several such experiments and came to a conclusion. This means that those who feel lucky are always open-minded and are looking for an opportunity for themselves in everything. But those who feel unlucky are very rational and closed-minded. People who believe they are lucky always have a positive attitude, are calm, and can create opportunities for themselves out of the most insignificant circumstances. On the other hand, people who feel they are unlucky are usually under stress and miss out on even the biggest unrest opportunities that come their way.

And if something bad happens to their life, they strike in the same place and claim that their life is just that and everything is over. Because of this, they are unable to advance to the next level. But those who consider themselves lucky take the event as a lesson and come out of it. And they also look for the positive. In the case of the negative, for example, if you’re driving and the bridge in front of you suddenly breaks down, that would be a disaster.

Those who think they are unlucky at the time would not panic and think about themselves in a hard situation and then ask should the bridge collapse at this time. How can I get over there and probably complain about how bad my luck is? But lucky people will think I’m a lucky person. If I had gone a few seconds ahead, I would have fallen with the bridge. So scientists think that this good luck has to do with a man’s psychology.

If you buy Rossi stones, lucky rings, etc. for good luck at home, it will only help the seller, not you. But there’s nothing wrong with keeping this object if you feel lucky. If you don’t think that luck will take care of everything, you have to work. Luck comes from hard work and you have to do the work right when you need it.

If we listen to what our intuition tells us and act on it, we will be lucky. If you don’t think about what happened and create sad situations all the time, but keep your brain calm, you will give yourself the chance to win in life, which is an illusion, but one that can improve your life. The other thing is that we need to work hard and be skilled. 1000 people are competing and taking an exam that is hard to get into. Let’s say you make it to 500 out of 1000, then out of a hundred, and then step by step into the top ten, this luck comes into play if only one of those ten has a chance.

Is Luck real or not?
Is Luck real or not?

Those who had come this far were all talented. But in the end, the person who is selected needs luck for sure. But the top ten got there because they were good at what they did. If they had not developed their skills but only believed in luck. They would have been filtered out in the first 1000 barrels and thrown away.

Just like we can make our luck by working hard more simply luck happens when efforts meet opportunity. So put in consistent efforts and also develop your luck. Luck will beat you soon.

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Further, to Know about this Read: Luck

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